Section: Application Domains

Medical Simulation

Some of the scientific challenges described previously can be seen in a general context (such as solving constraints between different types of objects, parallel computing for interactive simulations, etc.) but often it is necessary to define a clinical context for the problem. This is required in particular for defining the appropriate assumptions in various stages of the biophysical modeling. It is also necessary to validate the results. This clinical context is a combination of two elements: the procedure we attempt to simulate and the objective of the simulation: training, planning or per-operative guidance. Several simulators applications are being developped in the team for instance Interventional Cerebro- and Cardio- vascular Radiology, Minimally-invasive ear surgery, Deep-Brain Stimulation planning...

It is important also to note that developing these applications raises many challenges and as such this step should be seen as an integral part of our research. It is also through the development of these applications that we can communicate with physicians, and validate our results. SOFA will be used as a backbone for the integration of our research into clinical applications.